Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The end is near

Well its that time of the year again.. We are closing in on finals and there is only one more thing to do before I take it, and that is to write this blog.
My favorite pieces of literature this semester were King Lear and Antigone. I absolutely love reading plays. I know they are meant to be watched and not read but there are always so many different ways in which you can interpret the play and I can just imagine what they would be like if I were to actually go see them.
The poems were a close 2nd in my list of favorites. They are short and to the point. Yes, there is sooo much that can be misinterpreted , but isn't that the best part of literature? Knowing that I can read something and know that there is no right or wrong answer as to how I can take it.

OH Dante...i enjoyed reading this but at the same time I hated it. It was so complicated and I got lost in translation have the time. I mean I'm lucky mrs. fowler made a list of the the different levels and circles or else I never would have figured it all out..ahhh

I hated reading Genji, I just didn't care for it. Yes i'm sure there were alot of people that enjoyed it. However, I was not one of them. I mean I can appreciate the different culture aspect and everything, but there is only so much i can handle when it comes to guys being man whores.. i mean really..keep it in your pants..oh well hahah
This semester was interesting as a whole, the different stories were fun to read, and the discussions were even more fun.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A interesting ending to King Lear

Ok, so to begin with, I knew going into the book that people were gonna die, but I didn't realize how many of the characters would. I'm really upset that cordelia was killed. I mean I know it s a tragedy and all but I was hoping atleast she lived. I'm glad Edgar is still alive. The two "evil" sisters finally got to each other. I saw that coming with all the bickering and fighting over Edmund, which I guess he is suppose to be all handsome and good looking, but seriously your going to kill each other over that. Then, we have Edmund, what a jerk if i do say so myself. He is the biggest manipulator/liar i have ever seen. I mean he has the sisters fighting over him, then he is telling albany that he is going to show mercy towards lear and cordelia when that was obviously false. I guess the good looks is what had everyone fooled. Darn those good looking people and getting away with crazy stuff. haha. In the end though it all came back to bite him in the butt with Edgar being the one that ultimately caused him to die (that was nice, to see him win his power back). Glocuster (however its spelled) dies, I saw that coming. I mean the poor guy already lost his eyes and he wouldn’t have been good for much else I guess. The only people still alive are kent, glocuster and edgar. A good group if I do say so myself, but I still wish Albany had decided to fight with lear instead of against him. O well that’s a tragedy for you.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

King Lear 2

this book is driving me mad.. I mean everyone in it is going crazy or acting crazy so why shouldn't i get a little crazy? The daughters are making me sooooo mad! I mean are they really that spoiled and conceited? I mean at first I thought they were just trying to teach lear a lesson about he doesn't need to act like a child, but nope they are just as crazy, I mean its storming like crazy and they kick their father out. Evil evil people

Now onto the boys in the storm. Kent is begging the king to go into the hut but he won't so he should just give up, its not going to happen. Then you have the fool which i'm kinda confused about what he is doing, and then ENTER Edgar. I mean do these people really not recognize him? He only grew up around these people and they don't have any idea who he is. Shows how much they really pay attention to the people around.

I kinda like crazy Tom though. I mean he is really really crazy and the king is just like oh I don't care I want to know what this guy is all about. (Guess that shows how crazy the old man is getting).

Edmund is pissing me off..he is a spoiled little "bastard" and needs to grow a pair, he hides when his father comes back in and can't even confront him to let him know he is the one that ratted him out...Well atleast Gloucester finally knows the truth, too bad he is blind now -_-

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

King Lear

Ok so king lear is pretty cool, probably my favorite so far. Class helped me understand a lot of it though and helped me see it through a different perspective. At first I was all like what is up with the crazy sister and them being so horrible to their father..I mean he did just give them his land. But, after careful review I apparently didn’t pick up on the part about him acting a fool in their place. Old man has got to have some fun though, geeze let him get a little silly with his clown guy. He is old and is losing it, you can’t fault him on that haha. Anyways its funny all the conspiracy going on. I mean you got the sisters then you have Edmund (it is Edmund right?, I keep getting the names mixed up I mean Edmund, edgar? what’s the difference). Lets see you got the sister getting power hungry up in here and then you got Edmund who is trying to cause trouble between his dad and brother, I mean ok we get it that you are tired of hearing about how you are a bastard, but come on the truth hurts sometimes, get over it and own up to it. I mean just be like “ yeah that’s right my dad found my mom so attractive he had to have a hot good looking child with her.” Seriously though, it seems like there is too much conspiracy going on…That much conspiracy is just asking for a tragic ending…I guess that’s why it’s a Shakespearean tragedy. 

Monday, October 24, 2011


1st off I would like to say that it was very difficult to read this story because geeze every otehr word was some long hard to say name. And all the names sounded and looked a like and I was just getting confused all the way through. 
Anyways now that i'm done with my rant. The book was pretty interesting for what i understood, but i can't help but think that it is more of an origin/creation type of story. I mean everything that sunjata did caused something that happens now. Like the tree dying from the top to bottom and not starting at the bottom because of the shooting of the arrows and the tree, and the way the families are so close that one helps the other and if not its bad for them. I mean there were so many more that I just found so interesting. I always love reading those types of  tales because its interesting to see how different cultures and even religions explain why things are  the way they are. I'm not really sure if  that was  the whole purpose of  the story but that was what i got out of it. 
Another thing, teh talking ring thing that sunjatas sister used to fake that she was still at the palace or whatever when she was sneaking away.. how legit was that. I mean here we have this african story that is incorporating a type of technology that didn't even exist (maybe it was suppose to be magic) but still INTENSE. I really enjoyed reading and seeing the different things, the griots were pretty cool that were telling to story, i could imagine the whole thing going on in my head and these two guys just being like "ok now listen this is how things really went down"

So good!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Evening Faces

The beginning of chapter 4 has proved to be no different from the other chapter, with its lustful settings. I find it so amusing how so many years ago it was perfectly normal to sleep around, but now it is a huge no no. I’m not saying that I condone the sleeping around, just that it is funny how things change. Any ways , so at the beginning of this chapter we have genji coming back from court. He stops in to see his old nurse whom he was very fond of as a child. This woman is very ill I love the sentimental side of genji that we see here. He is truly upset that his old nurse is sick and dying. The woman was obviously extremely fond of genji as she cries and shows more affection for him then her own children, which her children notice and I don’t believe they like that all too much. I mean every loves him though so they should be ok with it right? Haha However, even in the mist of this horrible setting, Genjo still seems to only have one thing on his mind. Sex. I mean even Koremitsu is thinking “oh geese he is at it again with the women.” But, they bring it upon themselves by saying its ok. I mean lets all be okay with sleeping around and ofcourse a good looking guy is going to be ok with it. I mean what do they expect. So he inquires about this woman and writes more poetry and don’t get me wrong poetry is nice, but sometimes I’m just like come on get to the point all ready, just say what you mean! That’s not going to happen though, we are reading about the Japanese culture and they do seem to be very passive in there language.

Monday, October 10, 2011


Ibn Faraj's chasity is an interesting work. He seems to approve of the idea of remaining celibate and not being a "beast". However, he uses imagery to intensify the sexual nature of one and how it is difficult to sustain from acts of sinful nature. In the very beginning when he describes how he denied himself from participating in sex, he doesn't just say he said no, he lets the readers understand that this woman was giving herself to him and was more than willing to partake in this temptation. Yet, even with her being so willing he still refrained. He then goes on to describe how she came "unveiled in the night." He uses this to play on the readers sexual imagery. He is basically tricking readers. Its funny, even I at first was taken back by thinking he was all about abstinance and all the while he is describing in details this woman so that readers will picture and understand what he is giving up by denying this woman. I love the part where he uses the metaphor to describe how intense and difficult it was to hold back his desires. “like a thirsty camel whose muzzle keeps it from nursing.” He compares himself to a poor animal who is unable to fulfill its needs because it is being held back by something. I’m assuming he considers a camel to not be too wild either because later he says he isn’t one of those wild beast that does whatever it wants in any garden. Haha. So he is like a camel but not a wild beast! I do wonder if this means he has some kind of belief that camels are better. I mean why not use another animal to compare? hmmmm