Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Oh Haemon!

I really enjoyed this character. Yes I was upset when he killed himself in the end, but hey whats kinda Greek story would it be without a tragic ending. I loved how he came in to speak with his father and was like no I understand and will not go against what you are deciding to do but damn are you wrong! (sorry for explicit language, however I think it was in good context). He stood up for himself and I love that in a male character. He knew how he felt and he didn't care if he was considered to be an insubordinate. He was like yes I might be young, but at least I know when something is right and wrong. It showed how much he truly cared about Antigone and  that he did understand where he was coming from! It was a nice contrast to Creon's character where he wouldn't listen to anything and wouldn't even try to understand why she would act the way she was. I mean it really made me mad that Creon who is suppose to be older and wiser is telling Haemon that he is wrong and a horrible son, when Haemon is the one listening to what the people are saying behind creons back and trying to take on different perspectives, but oh well what can you do. Overall I pretty much fell head over heels for Haemon and even though he killed himself at least he was with the one he loved (yes morbid, but there is no other way to describe Greek tragedies.)

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