Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Women according to Gilgamesh

So to begin I would like to let people know that I am not some crazed Feminist-haha. :)

In the world of Gilgamesh women seem to be good for one thing and one thing only and that is sex. Now I realize as women we play a very vital role in the whole lets have babies so we can have a way to carry on our name once we are long gone, but don't you think these people take it to the extreme? I mean we have a priestest that's primary role in this tale is to sleep with Enkidu and  show him the ways of civilization. Why couldn't she have had some thing else to do? I mean come on do we really have to sleep with a man to get him to see the ways of life?
Then we have Gilgamesh who sleeps with all the women like they are just toys for him to play with and then pass on once he is done.
Oh! let's not forget Ishtar who is a goddess and all she wants is for Gilgamesh to be her "bridegroom," and to grant her his seed. Well now we have a female role who goes crazy when he tells her no that he will not be her bridegroom. So what does she do? She runs to her father and begs for the bull of heaven.

Now I could be wrong, but all in all I believe we just have a bunch of women characters who are portrayed as being a little off their rocker when they don't get their way, and also as being only good for sex. A sad day for women I tell you, a very sad day.

Maybe next time we can get a female character that can kick some butt or do something more with their life!

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