Wednesday, November 2, 2011

King Lear

Ok so king lear is pretty cool, probably my favorite so far. Class helped me understand a lot of it though and helped me see it through a different perspective. At first I was all like what is up with the crazy sister and them being so horrible to their father..I mean he did just give them his land. But, after careful review I apparently didn’t pick up on the part about him acting a fool in their place. Old man has got to have some fun though, geeze let him get a little silly with his clown guy. He is old and is losing it, you can’t fault him on that haha. Anyways its funny all the conspiracy going on. I mean you got the sisters then you have Edmund (it is Edmund right?, I keep getting the names mixed up I mean Edmund, edgar? what’s the difference). Lets see you got the sister getting power hungry up in here and then you got Edmund who is trying to cause trouble between his dad and brother, I mean ok we get it that you are tired of hearing about how you are a bastard, but come on the truth hurts sometimes, get over it and own up to it. I mean just be like “ yeah that’s right my dad found my mom so attractive he had to have a hot good looking child with her.” Seriously though, it seems like there is too much conspiracy going on…That much conspiracy is just asking for a tragic ending…I guess that’s why it’s a Shakespearean tragedy. 

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